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Script Changes

Script Changes

It has come to our attention that Capcom has decided to restore DGS1+2 as well as Dual Destinies and Spirit of Justice to PlayStore and iOS, the latter also getting a refresh of Ghost Trick, which we recommend you to play if you haven’t done so yet. As of the time of writing this, DGS has not been restored on 3DS eShop. Update May 26, 2021: both games have been restored to the 3DS eShop with the same changes.

Both DGS1 and 2 have also received what Capcom calls a “minor bugfix”, but when we looked a bit closer we found something quite interesting. For the first time, an update for either of the DGS games involves changes to the script. Not just small typos, it looks like specific words have been removed, 野蛮 (barbarian) and サル (monkey). Of 13 changed passages, 10 are said by Jezail and nearly all of them are said in a racial context. As the small number suggests, this certainly doesn’t cover all instances of racially charged passages in the game, and one instance of 野蛮 remains in DGS1 in which it appears the context isn’t racially charged but could be taken as such. Many other cases remain in the game, mostly remarking on the appearance, intelligence or honor of Japanese people in an insensitive or insulting manner.

This makes us wonder why they did make these changes. If the objective was to tone down racist rhetoric, then they failed to do their job right, since equally bad or even worse passages remain in the games. Someone theorized it could be a change in certain rating board rules which could force higher ratings on games that feature specific words. We do not know at this point and welcome any input from someone who does.

It stands to reason that these changes will also find their way into the upcoming Chronicles version for PS4/Steam/Switch, which we are very much looking forward to. Hope you all managed to place your preorder on time!

Since only 13 passages were actually changed, we documented them all so you can see for yourself and come to your own conclusions. For your convenience, we added our current translation and a rough translation of the changes.

PlayStore updates

PlayStore updates

Art by Tryphena

CAPCOM has pushed updates for both DGS1+2 on PlayStore today to address changes in the GooglePlay service, screen issues on certain devices and unspecified further issues. This breaks our patch, please don’t update and/or patch until further notice while we investigate.

3DS Only: DGS 2: The Adventure of the Blossoming Attorney & The Memoirs of the Clouded Kokoro

3DS Only: DGS 2: The Adventure of the Blossoming Attorney & The Memoirs of the Clouded Kokoro

Art by Tryphena

“Accustomed as I was to my friend’s amazing powers in the use of disguises, I had to look three times before I was certain that it was indeed he.” – Dr John Watson, A Scandal in Bohemia

Hello, everyone!

Happy holidays from everyone at Scarlet Study! I’m pleased to announce that our patch for DGS 2 episodes 1 and 2 are now available for 3DS! We hope that you’ll enjoy it as a special present from us! You can download the patch here!

Due to unforeseen circumstances, the Android patch has been slightly delayed, but we are anticipating that it will release soon!

In the meantime, if you need a refresher on what happened in DGS 1, there’s a cute little animated recap series that has been translated by Shobrisu! Otherwise, if you just feel like playing DGS1 through again, we’ve been back through it and given it a little touch up! You can grab the updates here. Don’t forget about our British Glossary and translation notes, too, which have also been updated for the new release.

But there’s even more news! We also have a brand-new Twitter account! We will be posting all sorts of tidbits here, and it’ll be an easy way to get in touch, check if we have any updates, and to see that we’re not dead! And, last but not least, we are now opening up recruitment! Specifically, we are looking for more translators and editors. If you’d like to join us, please sign up using the form. If we’re interested, we’ll contact you back via Discord.

Well, that’s all for now! Wishing you all the best for the holidays and the new year!